Twice the Wor(l)ds.

Twice the Wor(l)ds.

‘Oh darn, I’m the mom!’

I hate it when that happens.

Hi, I’m Conny. The mom of an Austrian-Chinese family of 4 living in California. I have an 8 year old son who thinks he is Calvin from “Calvin and Hobbes” (which I openly lament but secretly celebrate). And a 2,5 year old daughter who most of the time prefers a book to any other toy (which I openly and secretly celebrate). Oh yes, and a husband who’s a scientist (which I openly celebrate, but secretly lament). My kids think my threats are hilarious but they don’t know that I’m not joking (or am I?).

After taking an almost 10 year break from blogging and writing book reviews in German – during which I focused on my marketing career, had a baby, moved from Vienna, Austria with my family to California, struggled to settle in and had another baby – I’m back!

Always two worlds

I feel like I’ve always been part of two worlds during my life. First there is the real world and the world of books: Reading has been my passion since I’ve been 10 years old and discovered the Harry Potter books, writing comes right after. So here I am again, on a quest to find quiet (now I’m definitely joking) reading time between tantrums, dirty kitchens, day-to-day business and Pokémon battles (which I always seem to loose).

Second there is my Austrian heritage and my husbands Chinese heritage. Which we both try to integrate in our family life and traditions.

Third there are the two places on earth that I call home: Austria and now also California. There is the adventure and struggle of finding and building a new home for my family and myself in a foreign country and at the same time being homesick for all that we left behind in Austria.

There are the two languages we speak at home: German and English – as well as the odd attempt every once in a while from my husband to integrate Chinese into our kids education. English, which my children learn at school and speak primarily during the day. German, which I work hard to keep alive at home and teach my kids with determination (and bilingual worksheets I design myself).

And lastly the daily struggle, joy and bedlam of being a parent, doing my kids and their needs justice while still trying to define myself outside of this role.

Twice the words

This blog is about all those different worlds: living life abroad in a multicultural, bilingual family; loving to read; the general mayhem of raising kids and still making time for myself.

Twice the Worlds means there are also Twice the Words needed.

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